Vol XVI. No. 7
Archive - Dec 2009 - Oct 2019 http://colleagueslist.blogspot/.ca http://colleagueslistii.blogspot.com/GLOBAL AND ECUMENICAL IN SCOPE CANADIAN IN PERSPECTIVE
Wayne A. Holst, Editor
My E-Mail Address: waholst@telus.net
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Dear Friends:
The selection of Kamala Harris as the possible vice-
president of the USA, serving with presidential
candidate Joe Biden, introduces - in a fresh way -
the key theme of de-colonialism.
For decades, we have spoken of "post-colonialism"
but a development like this has new implications
for how the world is evolving into the future.
If elected, Harris would be the first woman of colour
to become an American VP - the first of Black and
South Asian ancestry - and all that entails.
Over the next months I would like to consider this
advancement from a theological/missiological point
of view and am also writing an Anglican Journal column
on the theme as well
Today, I would like to share as my Special Item a
recent article by Adam Getachew in the New York Times.
This piece focuses on political and economical aspects
of de-colonialism, but there are many other considerations
and I hope you might make some discoveries right here
on Colleagues List that you may not find elsewhere.
I also share other items under themes you are used
to finding here.
NOTE A REMINDER - If a link, below seems to be dead,
cut and paste it into the address bar at the top of your
web page and it should work.
cut and paste it into the address bar at the top of your
web page and it should work.
"Colonialism Made the Modern World. Let's Remake It"
by Adom Getachew, New York Times, July 27th, 2020 -
This article serves as a basis for future reflections
here, so please consider it carefully.
Jim Taylor,
Okanagan, BC
August 9th, 2020
"Horror Over Mass Atrocities"
Ron Rolheiser,
San Antonio, TX
Personal Web Site
August 10th, 2020
"Suicide and Melancholy"
Mark Whittall,
Ottawa, ON.
Sermons and Blog
August 7th, 2020
"Sink or Swagger
Mark Whittall,
Ottawa, ON.
Sermons and Blog
August 7th, 2020
"Sink or Swagger
Stolen Models of Eastern Architecture
The Guardian,
August 13th, 2020
We Have to Do More
August 6th, 2020
She Reflects the Future of Religion in America
Religion News Service,
August 13th, 2020
Her Spiritual Background Reflects Emerging Society
Religion News Service,
August 13th, 2020
Truth is eternal. Knowledge is changeable.
It is disastrous to confuse them.
- Madeleine L'Engle
It is disastrous to confuse them.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Every person needs to take one day away.
A day in which one consciously separates
the past from the future.
- Maya Angelou
Have courage for the great sorrows of life, and patience
for the small ones; and then when you have laboriously
accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace.
God is awake.
- Victor Hugo
God does not desire suffering as an end in itself, I am
sure. But all suffering is so expensive he will not let it
be wasted. He will use it for his children’s growth. The
first purpose of our lives must be, “Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done.” This is never a passive statement of
endurance or of mere agreement to submit to whatever
happens. It is a positive statement of the will to reach
out for that which will bring glory to God. I am also sure
that the greatest prayer we can pray is, “Whatever brings
the greatest glory to God, I want it, even if it brings
suffering and loss to me.”
- Anna Mow (traditional)
An empty heart God fills. Even Almighty God will not fill
a heart that is full – full of pride, bitterness, jealousy –
we must give these things up. As long as we are holding
these things, God cannot fill it. Silence of the heart, not
only of the mouth – that too is necessary – but more,
that silence of the mind, silence of the eyes, silence
of the touch. Then you can hear him everywhere: in
the closing of the door, in the person who needs you,
in the birds that sing, in the flowers, the animals – that
silence which is wonder and praise. Why? Because
God is everywhere and you can see and hear him.
- Mother Teresa
The most precious things of life are near at hand,
without money and without price. Each of you has
the whole wealth of the universe at your very door.…
So, on a large scale, the student and lover of nature
has this advantage over people who gad up and
down the world seeking some novelty or excitement:
he has only to stay at home and see the procession
pass. The great globe swings around to him like a
revolving showcase; the change of the seasons is
like the passage of strange and new countries; the
zones of the earth, with all their beauties and marvels,
pass one’s door and linger long in the passing.
- John Burroughs
An empty heart God fills. Even Almighty God will not fill
a heart that is full – full of pride, bitterness, jealousy –
we must give these things up. As long as we are holding
these things, God cannot fill it. Silence of the heart, not
only of the mouth – that too is necessary – but more,
that silence of the mind, silence of the eyes, silence
of the touch. Then you can hear him everywhere: in
the closing of the door, in the person who needs you,
in the birds that sing, in the flowers, the animals – that
silence which is wonder and praise. Why? Because
God is everywhere and you can see and hear him.
- Mother Teresa
The most precious things of life are near at hand,
without money and without price. Each of you has
the whole wealth of the universe at your very door.…
So, on a large scale, the student and lover of nature
has this advantage over people who gad up and
down the world seeking some novelty or excitement:
he has only to stay at home and see the procession
pass. The great globe swings around to him like a
revolving showcase; the change of the seasons is
like the passage of strange and new countries; the
zones of the earth, with all their beauties and marvels,
pass one’s door and linger long in the passing.
- John Burroughs
Whenever you conceptualize social justice struggles,
you will always defeat your own purposes if you cannot
imagine the people around whom you are struggling
as equal partners.
you will always defeat your own purposes if you cannot
imagine the people around whom you are struggling
as equal partners.