Friday, March 4, 2022

Colleagues List, March 6th, 2022

Vol XVII. No. 24

Archive - Dec 2009 - Oct 2019                                          http://colleagueslist.blogspot/.ca                                  

Current archives listed on this page


Wayne A. Holst, Editor 
My E-Mail Address: 

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Dear Friends:

So much of the news right now is about Ukraine and Russia but I don't see a lot about religion and culture in these settings. I try to correct this in Colleagues List this week. Please enjoy the other material also.                              

And Note - If a link below, seems to be dead, cut and paste it into the address bar at the top of your web page and it should work.




WCC GENERAL SECRETARY WRITES                                                              TO PATRIARCH KIRILL OF MOSCOW

"Raise Your Voice So That the War Can Be Stopped"



Elfrieda Shroeder,                                                                              Winnipeg, MB

In Transit Blog                                                                                        March 3rd, 2022

"A Place of Peace and Rest"                    


Jim Taylor,                                                                                          Okanagan, BC 

Personal Web Log                                                                                      February 27th, 2022

"Personal Stories Trump International News"                                        


Mark Whittall,                                                                                          Ottawa, ON

Sermons and Blog,                                                                                February 25th, 2022

"Praying in the Dark"                                                                     


Ron Rolheiser,                                                                                              San Antonio, TX

Personal Website,                                                                                 February 28th, 2022

"Trying Not to Make God Look Bad"                  



STATEMENT FOR PEACE IN UKRAINE                                                              The United Church of Canada,                                                                March 2nd, 2022


POPE FRANCIS CALLS UKRAINE PRESIDENT                                                  He Expresses His Feelings of "Profound Pain"

Religion News Service                                                                                      February 27th, 2022


FRANKLIN GRAHAM SENDS RESPONSE TEAMS                                              TO EUROPE TO ASSESS REFUGEE NEEDS                                                        He Denies Supporting Putin

Religion News Service,                                                                                    February 26th, 2022


ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA TO REPENT                                                  FOR MISHANDLING ABUSE ALLEGATIONS                                                      Survivors Involved in the Process

Religion News Service                                                                                      March 2nd, 2022


MORE POTENTIAL GRAVES                                                                          MORE CATHOLIC SORROW                                                                            Additional Gravesites Found

Catholic Register, Toronto                                                                              February 23rd, 2022


I FORGIVE POPE BENEDICT                                                                            I HOPE OTHERS CAN TOO                                                                              A Holy But Flawed Individual

Religion News Service,                                                                            February 22nd, 2022


UKRAINE ORTHODOX LEADER                                                                  LIKENS PUTIN TO THE ANTI-CHRIST                                                        Russian Patriarch Calls Ukrainians "Evil Forces"

Religion News Service                                                                            February 28th, 2022


PUTIN IS AFTER MORE THAN LAND                                                             He Wants the Religious Soul of Ukraine

Religion News Service,                                                                      February 24th, 2022


MOSCOW AND UKRANIAN ORTHODOX LEADERS                                      CALL FOR PEACE - BUT DEFINE IT DIFFERENTLY                                    Their Views of History are Not the Same

Religion News Service,                                                                      February 24th, 2022


CHURCHES ON BOTH SIDES PRAY  FOR PEACE                                              Many Christians Opposed to the War

Christianity Today                                                                                            February 27th, 2022



Provided by Sojourners and the Bruderhof online:

[W]e should remain faithful in proclaiming that wars never win, in the end, and that Christ’s resurrection demonstrates how violence is all, ultimately, undone by the power of God’s love.

- Wesley Granberg-Michaelson


Solitude with God repairs the damage done by the fret and noise and clamour of the world.

- Oswald Chambers


We must believe in the power and strength of our words. Our words can change the world.

- Malala Yousafzai


To be more Christlike means facing death in all its forms—the death of reputation, the death of truth, and the bodily death of our beloveds.

- Julie Polter


We believers do not lose hope for a glimmer of conscience in those who hold the destinies of the world in their hands.

- Cardinal Pietro Parolin


To be just, it is not enough to refrain from injustice. One must go further and refuse to play its game, substituting love for self-interest as the driving force of society.

- Pedro Arrupe


It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. [God] gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on this earth. It is an awesome opportunity.

- Cesar Chavez


Only God can give us a selfless love for others, as the Holy Spirit changes us from within. This is one reason we must receive Christ, for apart from His Spirit we can never be freed from the chains of selfishness, jealousy, and indifference. Will others see Christ's love in your life today?

- Billy Graham


The hopeful beauty of things is not always, or even usually, before us. It may sometimes be completely forgotten in the tedium of each day, or in the sharp pains of human miscommunication and malice, or in the sufferings of injury, depression, or illness. Music can console precisely because it recalls to us the harmony, the sensibleness of things. What we want is to trust that, in the end, everything is okay, and that, at bottom, things are meaningful. What is music but a mysterious hint that this is the case?

- Nathan Beacon


I don’t gather that God wants us to pretend our fear doesn’t exist, to deny it, or eviscerate it. Fear is a reminder that we are creatures – fragile, vulnerable, totally dependent on God. But fear shouldn’t dominate or control or define us. Rather, it should submit to faith and love. Otherwise, fear can make us unbelieving, slavish, and inhuman. I have seen that struggle: containing my fear, rejecting its rule, recognizing that it saw only appearances, while faith and love saw substance, saw reality, saw God’s bailiwick, so to speak: “Take courage, it is I. Do not be afraid!”

- Philip Berrigan


As long as we do not pray for our enemies, we continue to see only our own point of view – our own righteousness – and to ignore their perspective. Prayer breaks down the distinctions between us and them. To do violence to others, you must make them enemies. Prayer, on the other hand, makes enemies into friends. When we have brought our enemies into our hearts in prayer, it becomes difficult to maintain the hostility necessary for violence. In bringing them close to us, prayer even serves to protect our enemies. Thus prayer undermines the propaganda and policies designed to make us hate and fear our enemies. By softening our hearts towards our adversaries, prayer can even become treasonous. Fervent prayer for our enemies is a great obstacle to war and the feelings that lead to war.

- Jim Wallis



For Those Interested -


Monday Night Book Study - Jan. 17th - Mar. 28th 7-8:30 PM                Zoom (10 weeks)

Book Theme: "On the Brink of Everything" by Parker Palmer


Thursday Morning Bible Study - Jan. 20th - Mar. 31st 10-11 AM 
 Zoom (10 weeks)

Bible Theme - Biblical book(s) to be studied this term will be
selected at the first gathering of the class, January 20th.

If you have questions, contact me at


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Colleagues List, July 24th, 2022

  Vol. XVIII. No. 1 Archive - Dec 2009 - Oct 2019                                            http://colleagueslist.blogspot / .ca           ...